Everything we do at IntelliCentrics is driven by one, unified goal:
to make your world safer.
At IntelliCentrics UK, we simplify the world of policy compliance and enforcement by providing resources and tools to help Trusts make their operations safer. We are the global leaders in assisting hospitals to improve staff, patient and visitor safety by ensuring commercial visitors comply with their policies on safety, duty of care and clinical governance.
We are trusted by over 10,000 healthcare facilities to convey, and manage acceptance of, their policies, obtain and manage credentials and extend privileges to visitors of all types. As the provider of SEC3URE, the most trusted healthcare policy compliance and enforcement service globally, we pride ourselves on our unparalleled track record of vigilantly assisting hospitals to improve the health and safety of their patients and staff.
Join SEC3URE – The UK’s independent, impartial and trusted credentialing platform
Last Updated: 20th November 2021
Global Facilities Protected
Global Members’ Compliance Managed
Global Credential Documents Processed

Trusted Market Leader
As a security company with 20 years of experience and the provider of the SEC3URE service, IntelliCentrics is uniquely qualified to help hospitals manage the safe and policy compliant access of all of their visitors. Over 10,000 healthcare facilities already trust IntelliCentrics to fulfil this, managing over 550,000 commercial visitors.

Innovative Technology
As providers of state-of-the-art security technology, with numerous industry firsts to our name, we continue to lead the industry in delivering forward looking security solutions for our customers.

Designed To Let People In
Securing a hospital by locking all the doors is not an option, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t know, and easily manage, everyone who enters. With SEC3URE, you can apply your policies universally to all those working in or visiting your hospital. Just leave the infrastructure, technology, administration, credentialing, and monitoring up to us.
Benefits of the service...
Benefits for Healthcare Facilities
Help safeguard patient and staff health/safety
Manage access to sensitive areas in compliance with your safety and security policies
Empowered procurement
Enforce procurement policies by managing who is on your site, where they are going and who they are seeing
Peace of mind
A proven service, safeguarding over 10,000 facilities. An unparalleled track record of service delivery, without a single go-live date missed, ever
No-charge solution for hospitals
No specialist IT equipment required
The service that fits around you and your working methodology
Completely bespoke configuration to fit your zone and credential requirements
Assists informed decision making
Through powerful reporting capabilities
Support, how and when you need it
With a dedicated, named Concierge Manager
Continual Innovation
Having set numerous industry firsts, our Innovation Roadmap will ensure your service goes from strength to strength
Benefits for Commercial Visitors
No-charge Base Subscription
This level covers 70% of our users and has no charge. You can perform policy acceptance and meet hospital compliance requirements for general zones such as procurement offices and administrative zones
Premium Subscription
For the 30% of members for whom the no-charge Base Subscription does not suffice, a single annual subscription fee (if applicable) covers the member for all IntelliCentrics-enabled facilities globally. There are no additional charges.
Peace of mind
Confidence that your credentials will be processed properly and on time. We have processed over 10,000,000 credential documents, for over 550,000 members, without missing a single SLA, ever
Stay updated on hospital access policies
With immediate alerts as and when any new requirements or changes are made by your chosen hospitals
Easily demonstrate your policy and procedure compliance
Credentials pre-checked automatically by the system, not manually by hospital staff, for fast sign-in
Full control over who views your details
Simplified on-site sign in process
Via manned kiosk, self service kiosk and mobile app
Dedicated support how and when you need it
With a dedicated telephone support team